

Thursday, July 18, 2013

Keep in Mind

Making jewelry and accessories with your own two hands is fun and rewarding-it's also a great way to wind down after a busy day, or to relax on weekends and holidays. Here are some points to keep in mind as you work:
Follow your instinct
Feel free to alter any project in this book by using different colors or sizes of buttons and beads. You can even make the same project several times using different materials-you'll be surprised at how different the results will be!
Length of thread
I generally work with very long pieces of thread, because I find them easier to handle. It also means I won't run out of thread before my project is finished. If you find it more comfortable working with shorter thread, go right ahead.
Planning a pattern
Everybody has their own work style. Some people like to plan their pattern in advance; others like to improvize as they go. Play around with the buttons before you start, and choose the method that comes naturally to you.
All of the quantities in this book are based on the sizes of the beads and buttons I used. The materials you use will likely be somewhat different, so be sure to adjust the quantities of your materials accordingly. I suggest overestimating when buying materials for a specific project-it's better to have leftovers at the end, rather than running out along the way!
All of the sizes are flexible. If you want longer earrings, a shorter necklace, or a wider belt, that's fine-just remember to adjust your materials accordingly.